21 août 2020 - (July 22, 1918 in Stockholm – January 11, 2002 in Stockholm), Swedish photographer and educator. He is known for his intimate black and white street photography portrait series. He was a member of Otto Steinert's Fotoform group of photographers. He is particularly famous for his depictions of transsexuals in the Place Blanche area of 1950's Paris, published as Les amies de


Christer Strömholm, à partir de 1956, a consacré une partie de son œuvre à la photographie des transsexuelles du quartier de la Place Blanche à Paris.

Edition. First Edition. Year. 1983. Publisher. ETC Förlag. ISBN.

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Christer Strömholm " Les Amies de Place Blanche " Captures Transexuals Of Paris Red Light District In 1960s. The Huffington Post, 5 février 2012. Download; Christer Strömholm @Pace/MacGill. Collector Daily, 3 février 2016 .

Tommy Arvidson om Christer Strömholms humanism. Christer Strömholm. LES AMIES DE PLACE BLANCHE. Aman Iman Éditions/ Dewi Lewis 

For over a decade, beginning in 1958, Strömholm documented the lives of a group of transsexual women (male-to-female) living in an area of Paris called the Place Blanche. His body of work is remarkable. In 2011 Aman Iman Publishing in Paris republished it as Les Amies de Place Blanche.

6 Nov 2012 photographer Christer Strömholm's "Les Amies de Place Blanche," a series of black-and-white photographs, taken between 1959 and 1968, 

Christer stromholm place blanche

Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. With Les Nuits de Place Blanche, Christer Stromholm (1918-2002), consid Christer Strömholm is one of the major celebrities of Swedish photography. He was born in Stockholm and converted from graphic art to photography in the late-1940s. He was deeply influenced by the German group Fotoform, which advocated and practised a creative, intimate style of photography. Strömholm’s photographs from the early-1950s are stark black-and-white compositions of wall 21 août 2020 - (July 22, 1918 in Stockholm – January 11, 2002 in Stockholm), Swedish photographer and educator.

Dedikation: "CHRISTER AND Nick". Omslag med revor och slitage i  Utställningen är en omfattande retrospektiv över Christer Strömholms konstnärskap.
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Christer Stromholm: Vannerna Fran Place Blanche. Paperback : 477 pages.

Objektsbeskrivning CHRISTER STRÖMHOLM 1918-2002. Nana - Place Blanche, Paris 1960. Signerad på baksidan CHR samt med  Christer Strömholm, "Vänner från Place Blanche", AB Tripod 1983, First Edition,hårdpärm.
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Omslagsbild; Post Scriptum, Christer Strömholm. Bokförlaget Max Paris 1959. Foto Christer Strömholm Nana, Place Blanche, Paris 1961

The hardcover compiles intimate portraits of the transsexual community that surrounded Pigalle Square in a tribute to an era both gritty and glamorous. Les Nuits de Place Blanche immerses the reader in Parisian nightlife of the 50s and 60s, more specifically in the transsexual community in the neighborhood near Pigalle Square. Christer Strömholm , considered the father of Swedish contemporary photography, portrayed the characters in an intimate and exuberant way, either in the street or in #ArtDept: “Les Amies de Place Blanche”, Vintage Photographs of Trans Women by Christer Strömholm By Stephen Rutledge on August 26, 2018 11:16 am Christer Strömholm (1918 – 2002) was 17-years-old when he left Stockholm and moved to Dresden where he studied at the Dresden School of Art . Christer Strömholm Estate/Agence VU The work remained largely unpublished until 1983, when ETC released it as a book, “Les Amies de Place Blanche” (“The Friends of Place Blanche”). It begins with a First published in 1983, ‘Les Amies de Place Blanche’ lends an intimate, dignified and confronting portrait of male prostitutes, transvestites and transsexuals in the Place Blanche area of 1960s Paris, among whom Swedish photographer Christer Strömholm lived for a time, enjoying their camaraderie, routines and friendship.

Strömholm arbetade i stort sett endast med svartvit fotografi. Hans dokumentation och böcker om de transsexuella vännerna på Place Blanche i 

tid och ett tiotal år framöver började han även fotografera de transsexuella runt Place Blanche i Paris. Kanske mest känd är Christer Strömholm för bilderna ”Les amies de Place Blanche” (”Vännerna från Place Blanche”).

Place Blanche, Paris - Christer Strömholm Gatufotografering, Porträttfotografering, Paris, Svart Och Vitt. cecilia ringkvist. ”Les Nuits de Place Blanche immerses the reader in Parisian nightlife of the 50s and 60s, more specifically in the transsexual community in the neighborhood  2016-nov-08 - Place Blanche, Paris on Christer Strömholm. Christer Strömholm is one of the major celebrities of Swedish photography. this period that he took his familiar portraits of transsexuals in Place Blanche.