Spencer Reid is a fictional character appearing in Criminal Minds and portrayed by Matthew Gray Gubler. 1 Character Bio 2 Whump 2.1 Season 1 2.2 Season 2 2.3 Season 3 2.4 Season 4 2.5 Season 5 2.6 Season 6 2.7 Season 8 2.8 Season 9 2.9 Season 10 2.10 Season 12 2.11 Season 14 2.12 Season 15 3 References A Supervisory Special Agent with theBAU. He is hailed as a genius and an autodidact.1


No Criminal Minds marathon is complete without placing this realistic Criminal Minds Spencer Reid Standee in the room! Featuring the BAU’s favorite genius, this standee makes a great housewarming, birthday, or holiday gift to any fan of Dr. Spencer Reid.

Copy link to Tweet; Embed Tweet. Jag har en crush på spencer reid från Criminal Minds. Welcome to Episode 110 of Profiling Criminal Minds where we discuss Spencer Reid for like way too long. However, it turns out that we could have saved  Produkt Terminologi ner Matthew Gray Gubler | Spencer reid criminal minds, Matthew gray, Criminal minds reid  John Mulaney, Matthew Gray Gubler, Criminal Minds, Bilder 17 Quotes That Made Us Fall in Love With Dr. Spencer Reid on Criminal Minds.

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High quality Spencer Reid gifts and merchandise. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Spencer Reid Criminal Minds Coffee Mug Cup (White) 11oz Criminal Minds Reid Merchandise FBI Gift Accessories Shirt Poster Sticker Pin Decal Artwork 4.4 out of 5 stars 8 $25.98 $ 25 . 98 Spencer Reid (34) RB - Honors: Cited on the 2012 Athletic Director’s Honor Roll.


Spencer Reid. Matthew Gray Gubler.


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Reid is the genius on the team as his IQ is beyond phenomenal and can read 20,000 words per minute. He is the youngest member of the BAU. He is portrayed by Matthew Gray Gubler. Reid is a young caucasian man who tends to dress uniformly he is always seen wearing a collared shirt along with a tie. One thing that Dr. Spencer Reid. Interpretado por el actor Matthew Gray Gubler. Se graduó en una escuela pública secundaria a los doce años y se fue al MIT a los trece años, donde obtuvo tres doctorados en Matemáticas, Química e Ingeniería a la edad de veintiuno. Además, es licenciado en Psicología, Sociología y Criminología.

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Dec 13, 2017 Dr Spencer Reid spent all of the second half of season 12 of Criminal Minds in prison after being set up for a murder in Mexico.

Feb 20, 2019 What should be coming up for Matthew Gray Gubler's character of Spencer Reid on Criminal Minds season 15? We discuss in this spotlight.

5 out of 5 stars (628) Sale Price $27.00 $ 27.00 $ 54.00 Original Price $54.00" (50% off) Favorite Add to Matthew Gray Gubler, Actor: (500) Days of Summer.

Spencer Reid. Källa. klaga. Reids karaktär.