T +31 88 96 83000 F +31 88 96 83100 www.dekra-certification.com Registered Arnhem 09085396. CERTIFICATE. Issued to: Applicant: a type test according to the standard EN 60598-1:2015; EN 60598-2-2:2012. - an inspection of the
GB7000.1-2015, IEC 60598-1: 2014. GB7000.201-2008. Removable general lighting. GB17625.1-2012, IEC 61000-3-2: 2009 Ed.3.2. CNCA-C10-01: 2014 Compulsory Product Certification Implementation Rules Lighting Appliance.pdf
for garden use), other than handlamps, designed to be used with or incorporating electrical light sources on supply voltages not exceeding 250 V. EN 60598-1:2015 to IEC 60598-2-1:1979 (First Edition) + A1:1987 used in conjunction with IEC 60598-1:2014 (Eighth Edition). 3) Appendix 2: comprising: Additional requirements of EN 62031: 2008+A1: 2013+A2: 2015 4) Appendix 3: Photograph Manufacturer’s Declaration per sub-clause 4.2.5 of IECEE 02: The application for obtaining a CB Test Certificate includes more than one factory location and a EN 60598-2-23 Extra low voltage lighting systems for filament lamps certification partner at the R&D and design phases of your product’s life cycle. EN 60598-2-17:2018 – Supersedes EN 60598-2-17:1989/A2:1991 Starting from the 23rd of March 2021, EN 60598-2-17:2018 becomes mandatory and replaces EN 60598-2-17:1989/A2:1991. This standard specifies requirements for stage, television, film and photographic studio luminaires (including spot and floodlighting projectors) for indoor and outdoor use, with electric light sources on supply voltages not exceeding 1000 V. EN 60598-2-17:2018 - Supersedes EN 60598-2-17:1989/A2:1991 Starting from the 23 rd of March 2021, EN 60598-2-17:2018 becomes mandatory and replaces EN 60598-2-17:1989/A2:1991. This standard specifies requirements for stage, television, film and photographic studio luminaires (including spot and floodlighting projectors) for indoor and outdoor use, with electric light sources on supply voltages IEC 60598-1:2014 specifies general requirements for luminaires, incorporating electric light sources for operation from supply voltages up to 1 000 V. The requirements and related tests of this standard cover: classification, marking, mechanical construction, electrical construction and photobiological safety.
EN 62031 . Photobiological Safety. EN 62471, IEC/TR 62778 . Human exposure to electromagnetic fields EN 60598-2-23 Extra low voltage lighting systems for filament lamps certification partner at the R&D and design phases of your product’s life cycle.
The ENEC symbol (European Norms Electrical Certification) is a European test and of dust, solid bodies and water in accordance with EN 60598/VDE 0711.
for electricians) has resulted in numerous ENEC certificates. This guarantees that luminaires meet European safety related EN standards (EN 60598-1:2008 and EN 60598-2-2:1996).
Production line testing to BS EN 60598-1 with our lighting & luminaire testers. We have comprehensive lighting and luminaire testers to meet your requirements. Does your company manufacture luminaires? If so are you aware that it is recommended your products should be routinely tested at the end of production, in line with BS EN 60598-1
EN. 60598-2-3,.
AEC Illuminazione has a personal Management System for environment, in accordance with UNI EN ISO 14001 "Environment Management System”. AEC
conduct due diligence to identify applicable product safety certification requirements The Product Safety Certification process can be broken EN 60598-1. EN 60598 Luminaires – General Requirements and Tests; CSA C22.2 NO. MET Laboratories Inc. is recognized by the EPA as a Certification Body for the
Mar 5, 2020 Customised Test, Certification and Quality Assurance Lighting IEC/EN 60598 series; luminaires; IEC/EN 62560; self-ballasted LED lamps
Use our testing and certification for lamps and lights to comply with the legal Your qualified partner for tests and certifications according to DIN EN 60598.
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IEC/EN 60598-2-6 (luminaires with built-in transformers for tungsten filament lamps) is withdrawn after the publication of new IEC/EN 60598-1; all previous requirements in IEC/EN 60598-2-6 are merged into the new edition 8. IEC/EN 60598-2-21: an individual standard of rope light will be published on 30 Sep 2015 replacing IEC/EN 60598-2-20.
Tillverkad av pulverlackad grå aluminiumt. EN 60598-1:2008 + A11. EN 60598-2-4:1997. EN 50581:2012. Beträffande. Elsäkerhet. Elsäkerhet.
EN 60598-2-1:1989 EN 62471:2008 EN 62493:2010 EN 60598-1:2015 EN 60598-2-22:2014 The standard(s) listed here reflect the status at the time of the release of this certificate.
Confirms EN-60598. Täyttää standardin EN-60598 vaatimukset. Oppfyller kravene ihht European certification mark for EMC. LED-panellampa, i Kina, Erbjuder lågt pris, hög kvalitet CE ROSH för LED-strålkastare, LED-panellampa,Certifikat,Product Certificate,Fcc Certificate. Säkerhetsklass, IEC-EN60598. Produktbeskrivning. En dekorativ armatur som skapar en välkomnande atmosfär, opalglastopp med ett försiktigt ljusgenomsläpp.
Limitazioni ENEC all. B. Prodotti conformi agli obiettivi di sicurezza della Direttiva B.T.. IEC SYSTEM FOR MUTUAL RECOGNITION OF TEST CERTIFICATES FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. (IECEE) CB SCHEME. CB TEST CERTIFICATE. Product IEC 60598-1:2014, IEC 60598-1:2014/AMD1:2017, IEC 60598-2-2: 2011. 16 Apr 2008 The major changes which may affect certification are given in Annex R. Annex R shows where a new text has been included which contains more serious/critical requirements requiring products to be re-tested.