

2021-04-09 · About Dividend Yield (TTM) For GlaxoSmithKline plc, the company has a dividend yield of 6.93 compared to the Large Cap Pharmaceuticals industry's yield of 2.45. The company's trailing twelve month

Volume, 6,920,434.00. Exchange Venue, LON  This is based on statutory filings. Fundamentals data is provided by FTSE Russell Data Solutions. To provide comparable data between issuers, data has been  GlaxoSmithKline plc (LON:GSK) is a British pharmaceutical company based in That has enabled analysts to estimate a "forward annual dividend yield" of  20 Jan 2021 GlaxoSmithKline PLC (LON:GSK) is likely to have to slash its dividend to 50p “ to reflect what we see as more sustainable dividend payout”. GlaxoSmithKline Dividend Yield - 6.06%.

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Dividend Yields - Current and historic yields are based on trailing 12 month dividends. Historic dividends used to calculate the yield history can be found on the GlaxoSmithKline dividend history page. 2020-11-08 GlaxoSmithKline's next dividend payment will be UK£0.19 per share, and in the last 12 months, the company paid a total of UK£0.80 per share. Calculating the last year's worth of payments shows that GlaxoSmithKline has a trailing yield of 5.7% on the current share price of £13.99. 2021-02-03 The business also recently announced a dividend, which will be paid on Thursday, January 14th. Investors of record on Thursday, November 12th will be issued a GBX 19 ($0.25) dividend. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, November 12th.

It Might Not Be A Great Idea To Buy GlaxoSmithKline plc (LON:GSK) For Its Next Dividend Simply Wall St. via Yahoo Finance · 7 days ago. Based on the last year's worth of payments, GlaxoSmithKline has a trailing yield of 6.3% on the

Earnings Date, Feb 01, 2017 - Feb 06, 2017. Forward Dividend & Yield, 2.11 (5.76%). Ex-Dividend Date, Feb 18, 2021. GSK announces the following dividend dates for 2021: Feb 18, 2021 · GlaxoSmithKline is facing the LON:GSK's dividend information, updated for Mar 2021.

GSK announced a 23p dividend, taking the full year total to 80p. The group plans to pay the same amount in 2021, but beyond that point will introduce a new policy with the overall payout "expected

Lon gsk dividend yield


GBX 1,297.60. GSK. Apr 12, 5:39:45 PM GMT+1 · GBX · LON · Disclaimer. 1D.
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If you buy this business for its dividend, you should have an idea of whether GlaxoSmithKline's dividend is reliable and sustainable. GlaxoSmithKline's next dividend payment will be UK£0.19 per share, and in the last 12 months, the company paid a total of UK£0.80 per share. Calculating the last year's worth of payments shows that GlaxoSmithKline has a trailing yield of 5.7% on the current share price of £13.99. GlaxoSmithKline plc ( LON:GSK) is about to trade ex-dividend in the next three days.

Now, however, it looks like GSK will cut the dividend in the next few years. What happened? GlaxoSmithKline's next dividend payment will be UK£0.19 per share, and in the last 12 months, the company paid a total of UK£0.80 per share. Looking at the last 12 months of distributions, Of particular interest to dividend investors, Owl Rock’s board declared a 31-cent per common share dividend for the first quarter.
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GSK announces the following dividend dates for 2021: Feb 18, 2021 · GlaxoSmithKline is facing the LON:GSK's dividend information, updated for Mar 2021.

Looking at the last 12 months of distributions, Looking at the last 12 months of distributions, GlaxoSmithKline has a trailing yield of approximately 5.1% on its current stock price of £15.552.

GlaxoSmithKline plc (LON:GSK) is about to trade ex-dividend in the next three days. Here's a list of interesting dividend stocks with a greater than 2% yield and an upcoming dividend.

Latest investor updates. The company’s latest trading update was released in early February. GlaxoSmithKline plc (LON:GSK) stock is about to trade ex-dividend in three days. GlaxoSmithKline has a trailing yield of approximately 5.1% on its current stock price of £15.552. The idea that a dividend aristocrat like GlaxoSmithKline (LON:GSK) would ever cut its dividend may be unthinkable to many investors.

Data for this Date Range. March 26, 2021. 5.81%. March 25, 2021. 5.85%. March 24, 2021. The GSK shares have paid me a dividend four times a year.