Tidskrift, The Lancet. Volym, 395 och länkar. Link to publication in Scopus The Lancet, 395(10223). https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30185-9. Wang
av ULF SANDSTRÖM · 2008 · Citerat av 207 — for women indicate that structural factors for the group as distribution over committees and age/time elapsed applications (council database), bibliometric data (from CV and publication list) and Lancet, 352 (9124) : 301–305. WOLD, A.
Lancet Laboratories In Africa. Lancet Laboratories is one of the leading pathology laboratories operating throughout Africa, providing vital diagnostic and monitoring pathology services in South Africa, Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. The Lancet és una revista mèdica britànica publicada setmanalment per the Lancet Publishing Group. El nom de la revista s'ha pres de l'instrument quirúrgic bisturí, en anglès Lancet o Scalpel. L'actual editor (2004) és Richard Horton d'Elsevier Propperties, SA. Join Dr Diana Stanley, Deputy Editor of The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, to learn about: • The Lancet family of journals’ peer review process • What Lancet editors are looking for in a submission • Strategies for preparing your manuscript for submission t Mosquera,C. | | Lancet Publishing Group Only reproduce with permission The Lancet Publishing Group.}, year = {2004}} Share.
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出版年份:1823 年文章数:275 投稿命中率:36.88%. 出版周期:Weekly 自引率:2.6% 审稿周期 杂志由 The Lancet Publishing Group Berichten over The Lancet is een Brits peerreviewed medisch tijdschrift dat wekelijks wordt uitgebracht door de Lancet Publishing Group geschreven door In het Nieuws Arab lancet group for statistics and papers publishing. April 19, 2016 ·. المركز العربى للإحصاء وكتابة ونشر الأبحاث العلمية. Arab center for statistical analysis and scientific paper editing and publishing - www.arablancet.org. The Lancet attracted criticism in May for publishing the hydroxychloroquine paper, which was purportedly based on a huge database of electronic medical data managed by Surigsphere Corporation, a tiny Illinois-based company owned by study coauthor and vascular surgeon Sapan Desai. Arab lancet group for statistics and papers publishing, Cairo, Egypt.
The Lancet (av engelskans lancet, 'lansett') är en brittisk medicinsk tidskrift som ges ut av Lancet Publishing Group. Sedan 1995 är Richard Horton chefredaktör.
The Lancet Digital Health, a new gold Open Access journal, building on The Lancet’s tradition as an advocate for health. This monthly journal is committed to publishing high-quality original research, review, comment, and correspondence contributing to promoting digital technologies in health The Lancet United Kingdom Elsevier Ltd. The Lancet Oncology United Kingdom Lancet Publishing Group The Lancet Neurology United Kingdom Lancet Publishing Group The Lancet Infectious Diseases United Kingdom Lancet Publishing Group The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology Netherlands Elsevier BV Lancet Respiratory Medicine,The United Kingdom Elsevier For personal use only.
New article in PLOS One by department research group Affective Emily Holmes and Laura Singh publish chapters in the anthology Intrusive action for mental health sciences relating to COVID-19 in The Lancet Psychiatry.
av I Bjorkman · 2008 · Citerat av 28 — Method: Eight focus group discussions were conducted with a K. Qualitative research: standards, challenges, and guidelines. Lancet. 2001 av ULF SANDSTRÖM · 2008 · Citerat av 207 — for women indicate that structural factors for the group as distribution over committees and age/time elapsed applications (council database), bibliometric data (from CV and publication list) and Lancet, 352 (9124) : 301–305.
2020 Feb 15;395(10223):497–506. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®]
av JE Norman · 1993 · Citerat av 44 — group 2 comprised men subclinically infected in 1942 and group cinoma in group 2 (subclinical hepatitis B) but not for group 1 New York: Masson Publishing.
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Mosquera,C. | | Lancet Publishing Group
360. 2039-2045. Özmen, L., Nilsson Ekdahl, K., Elgue, G., Larsson, R., Korsgren, O., et al. (2002). Nature Publishing Group. 14.
The latest Tweets from The Lancet (@TheLancet). Welcome to The Lancet on Twitter. Keep in touch with The Lancet, one of the world's leading general medical
The Lancet Digital Health, a new gold Open Access journal, building on The Lancet’s tradition as an advocate for health.
Lancet. from British Medical Journal are provided here courtesy of BMJ Publishing Group Jag är co-lead i arbetsgruppen om anpassningsplanering och resiliens i "Lancet Countdown: British Medical Journal, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2021, Vol. AU - Amiano Pilar AU - Dorronsoro Miren AU - Trichopoulou Antonia AU - Bamia Christina AU - Vineis Paolo AU - Hoek Gerard PB - Lancet Publishing Group ing to marginalised social groups—including indigenous populations and ethnic Goal era, with its focus on child survival, a Lancet. Commission to development are often proprietary, with commercial publishers controlling Blackwell Publishing (9) · Bmj Publishing Group (37) · Brutus Ostlings Bokforlag Symposion (1) · Dansk Psykologisk Forlag (10) · Dansk Sygeplejerad (79) I USA är bendamustin (TREANDA ®), som marknadsförs av Cephalon Inc, indicerat för behandling av patienter med KLL, och indolenta B-cells- Tidskrift, The Lancet.