Flamingopink ist sein Markenzeichen. Der lifecoach ist am Start. 🤗Schaut mal bei Ihm vorbei:https://www.twitch.tv/lifecoachMusik:Janji - Heroes Tonight (fea


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Watch Lifecoach1981's clip titled "Just Lifecoach things" Normally I'm not too much for twitch drama but this gave me a good laugh. So the master of ropes seems to had his stream still running on his laptop sitting Watch Lifecoach1981's clip titled "Lifecoach and SuperJJ review The Cavern's Below" Flamingopink ist sein Markenzeichen. Der lifecoach ist am Start. 🤗Schaut mal bei Ihm vorbei:https://www.twitch.tv/lifecoachMusik:Janji - Heroes Tonight (fea Lifecoach1981 bio, including Lifecoach1981's real name, age, Twitch stats, gaming setup and streaming gear. The full Lifecoach1981 Twitch story.

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Watch Lifecoach1981's clip titled "Lifecoach and SuperJJ review The Cavern's Below"

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* Slow mode (15 sec) & R9K mode must stay activated at all times. When viewer count goes up the slow mode may be increased. Check me out on Twitch & Twitter and hit the subscribe button!Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lifecoach1981Twitter: https://twitter.com/G2LifecoachWatch SuperJ 2013-01-17 Lifecoach’s love of card games led him from being a poker pro to Hearthstone and it was not surprising that it did not take him long to become a top player. While competing for G2 Esports is his main occupation, he still has time to share games with fans on Twitch. This tournament will feature 8 seasoned, professional players who will receive a personal invitation to the event, and 8 challenger players, determined by a combination of rank, competitive history and more. The even itself will take place on April 8 th-9 th, and will be broadcasted live on Lifecoach's twitch channel.